
Getting started

First of all, you need to insert the wavesurfer.js library into your HTML page. You can grab the latest version from
Create a container where you want the waveform to appear:
<div id="waveform"></div>
Next, in your JavaScript code, create an instance of the global WaveSurfer object.
var wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
    container: '#waveform'
If you are using Webpack or another bundler, you can install wavesurfer.js with NPM:
      npm install wavesurfer.js
To use the library, you will need to include it from your code using CommonJS:
var WaveSurfer = require("wavesurfer.js");
Or ES6 syntax:
import WaveSurfer from "wavesurfer.js";


The only required parameter is container. It can be either a unique CSS3 selector, or a DOM element.

However, you can also pass any number of options. For example, to make the waveform scrollable, pass the the scrollParent option:
var wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
    container: '#waveform',
    scrollParent: true

Loading the audio

After creating an instance, you may want to load an audio track and draw its waveform. You can load files either from the same domain:
Or from another server, if it supports CORS headers. For example:
wavesurfer.js will load the file, decode it and display a nice waveform image. When it's done, it will fire the ready event.

Listening to events

wavesurfer.js has a number of useful events you can subscribe to. The ready event, mentioned above, can be used like this:
wavesurfer.on('ready', function () {;

Calling methods

You can also trigger various actions on the player, such as wavesurfer.pause(), wavesurfer.skipForward(), wavesurfer.toggleMute() etc.

Take a look at the list of all available methods.

Creating A Custom Renderer

The provided Canvas and MultiCanvas renderers should support the vast majority of use cases, but wavesurfer.js allows custom renderers to be loaded. You can create your own renderer object (for example, by copying the Canvas or MultiCanvas renderer code into your own file and changing as necessary). Note that custom renderer objects don't have to be added to the wavesurfer.js repository, but you're welcome to raise a pull request if you think others will find your renderer useful.

If you name your own renderer WaveSurfer.Drawer.MyDrawer, then you can use the renderer by specifying the renderer parameter as 'MyDrawer'.

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